SAYURI ENGLISH |英語が話せるママになる!この子は私をみて学ぶ



※1私がSING英会話で使用している、英語学習タブレットPCソフト【GENKI ENGLISH】の公式サイトから引用したものに、扱われている文法事項を書き加えました。
ちなみに、私は独自のバージョンをGENKI ENGLISHと契約して使用しているので、順番はこの通りではありません。



Genki Disco Warm Up 
Stand up, sit down, clap, cheer etc.
Getting the class under control and super confident!

 じゃんけん、数と名詞 Rock, Paper, Scissors
Getting the students used to English, having fun and learning to always “Try again!”
 自己紹介、Whatの疑問文と答え方 What’s your name?
What’s your name? My name is …… Nice to meet you.
Key skill: eye contact!

How are you? 
How are you? I’m .. hungry, tired, cold, sad, happy, great, good, OK.  Always ending on a high note.

 頻出動詞、Canの平叙文 I’m a superhero! I can….
I can jump, run, hide, cook, stretch, climb, swim, fly. Plus Superhero body language to bring all your classes to life.
方向を表す名詞、命令形 Left and right
Left, right, forward, back, stop, stand up, sit down, spin, jump
Be動詞の平叙文、代名詞(主格)     Pronouns: I, you, he, she, we are happy
pronouns + verb to be.  Mix with the previous themes to instantly multiply the amount of language learnt so far.

Numbers 1 to 12



How old are you? I’m … (years old). 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
(including 1 to 12 makes the step to teaching the time easier)

天気、Whatの疑問文と答え方 Weather What’s the weather like? / How’s the weather? It’s….. rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy, sunny, fine, hot, a beautiful day.

Good Morning
Review of good morning, good afternoon etc.



 Do you like food?
Do you like…..? I like….. + students’ favourite foods



 Do you like animals?
Same English as above with animals.


 謝罪と応答    I’m sorry! – Excuse me. It’s OK!



I like animals I like snails, kangaroos, bears,ducks, camels, spiders, giraffes, rhinos,hippos, penguins, dinosaurs, bees.


I like (superhero!) vegetables I like onions, peas, carrots, beans, mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes

 ペット、Doの疑問文と答え方 Do you have any pets? “Do you have ….?”, “I have a ….”
hamster, rabbit, turtle, goldfish, lion, lizard, horse, gorilla

Animal Voices
I have a … dog, cat, bird, mouse, chicken, sheep, cow, pig, elephant, monkey, snake, tiger + the sounds they make.

家族、Whoの疑問文と答え方   Baby Rabbit Family
Who’s this? This is my …… dad, brother, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa
家族、Whoの疑問文と答え方 Baby Monkey Family
Who’s this?This is my … brother, sister, dad, mum (mom), grandma
Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have 1,2,3,4 brothers.
I have 1,2,3,4 sisters.


  海の生き物、Whatの疑問文と答え方    Under the sea
“What can you see?”, “I can see a …”
whale, squid, seahorse, jellyfish, crab, dolphin, shark, starfish
 体のパーツ     Head & Shoulders
head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth nose
 顔のパーツ、命令形    Make a Face
Parts of the face: “Put on the …” ; “Draw a ….”
nose, ears, mouth, eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, hair, tongue.
 身体について、Let’sの文     Let’s make a monster
Next set of body parts e.g. neck, toes, fingers, etc.
 体のパーツの痛みを伝える、一般動詞の平叙文     Doctor, Doctor! Body Parts
Doctor, doctor, my …. head, arm, leg,
stomach, hand, foot, back, tooth …. hurts
 冬の身支度、一般動詞、命令形 Baby Monkey’s Winter Clothes
Put on, take off your hat, scarf, coat, boots

  Baby Monkey’s Summer Clothes
Don’t forget your … plus hat, t-shirt, shoes, shorts, bucket, spade, fishing rod, shades, sunscreen


 フォニックスureの導入    Treasure Adventure
Phonics “ure” sound + there’s a pirate, hat, parrot, map, ship, island, shark + presentations

How many … do you have?
How many …. do you have?



How much?
How much is that…? I’ll take it! Thank you, goodbye

 数詞13〜20 Numbers 13 to 20
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
 数詞、10進法10〜100    Rocket Launch: Numbers 10 to 100
 形   Shapes!
Triangle, circle, diamond, oval, rectangle, heart, square, star
 フルーツ、Whatの疑問文 Fruit Market
What’s this? What’s that? Apple, orange, pineapple, banana, lemon, cherry, strawberry, watermelon, peach, grape, pear, kiwi fruit,

Can you speak….?
Can you speak English, French, Chinese etc.


Come on, Come on!
kick, pass, shoot, save, catch, throw, head, score.

 スポーツ頻出動詞、Canの疑問文と答え方 Can you kick?
Can you … kick, pass, shoot, save, catch, throw, head, score?
 楽器、Canの平叙文 I can do it!
Confidence building! Can you do it? I can do it!
Can you play the + musical instruments
 出身、Whereの疑問文と答え方 Where are you from?
Where are you from? I’m from……  any other countries that are relevant to the students’ lives.


住む場所、Whereの疑問文と答え方 Where do you live?
“Where do you live?”, “I live near the….”
forest, river, bridge, farm, hospital, station, castle, supermarket.
 Howの疑問文 How do you say ?
How do you say … in English? Review theme
 I am a robot
Phonics “o” sound + “on” & “off”

 数詞、体のパーツ、自己紹介の復習 Mr Octopus
Numbers, body parts and “My name is…” review

 What time is it, Mr Wolf?
What time is it? it’s 1…12 o’clock.



 What time is it? Part 2
It’s 1:05, 2:10, 3:15 etc,


 夏のスポーツ、過去形    Summer sports / simple past
I like swimming, horse riding (horseback riding), sailing,
windsurfing, skateboarding, cycling, scuba diving
 冬のスポーツ、一般動詞の平叙文    Winter Sports I like snowboarding, skiing, ice skating,
making snowmen, ice hockey, ski jumping,
sledging (sledding), snowball fighting


 球技スポーツ、Whatの疑問文と答え方 What sports do you play?
I play…. tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, rugby, baseball
 誕生日、Whenの疑問文 When is your birthday? + Months of the Year
January, February, March etc. When is your birthday?
 乗り物、Howの疑問文と答え方 How did you get here?
I came here by… aeroplane, car, train, rocket, helicopter, boat, bus, mountain bike
 色、一般動詞の平叙文  Colours & Pirates
red, blue, black, white, grey, brown, pink, green
 好きな色、Whatの疑問文と答え方 What’s your favourite colour? red, blue, green, yellow, black, white, pink, orange, purple, gold, silver, bronze

What’s your favourite flavour?
I like … ice cream flavours.


 What’s your favourite subject?
I like math, art, science, P.E., music, English, social studies


 好きなもの、Whatの疑問文と答え方    What’s your favourite … ?
What’s your favourite … ? movie, sport, cartoon,
video game, pet, food, comic book, TV show.
 Whereの疑問文と答え方、現在進行形 Where are you going?
Where are you going? I’m going to …. + mountain,
pool, sea, beach, school, shops, park, home
+ other words that are relevant to the children

Eat! Drink! Dance!
Basic commands used in the following songs.



What are you doing? What are you doing?
+ I’m… eating, drinking, reading, sleeping, singing,
dancing, cooking, fishing


What do you want to do?
I want to …. + verbs above


 将来の夢、Whatの疑問文と答え方 What do you want to be?
I want to be a …. + jobs
 仕事、Whatの疑問文と答え方 What do you do? What do you do? I’m a … pilot,
chef, farmer, teacher, doctor, student, fire fighter,
police officer, carpenter, singer, dentist



Excuse me, are you…?
Are you hungry/tired/cold/sad etc.



Adjectives: I have a question!
Is it… big, small, a fruit, an animal, heavy, light, red, green


Adjectives: More questions
Is it good, bad, slow, fast, expensive, cheap, scary, cute?

 形容詞3、Be動詞の平叙文 Adjectives: It’s not bad, it’s good!
It’s (not) hot, cold, new, cold, good, bad, high, low, fast, slow
 形容詞4、Be動詞の平叙文  I’m thirsty!
I’m thirsty. Would you like a drink? Yes, please!
I’d like an orange juice, a glass of milk, a cola, a lemonade, a cup of tea, a hot chocolate, a milkshake.
 注文、丁寧形、Whatの疑問文と答え方 What would you like for breakfast?
I’d like some bacon, ham, eggs, bread, cereal, pancakes, fish, salad.


Ordering Food from A to Z I’d like some… apples, bananas, cheese, doughnuts, eggs, fish, grapes, hot dogs, ice cream, jelly, ketchup, lettuce, mayonnaise. Try the “Do you like food?” theme before this one!

Bigger Please
bigger, smaller, slower, faster, cheaper, “Is this OK?”



Days of the week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, today


 時を表す言い方、Whenの疑問文と答え方 When, When, When?
When? This year, last year, next year, next month etc., Next week etc., today, yesterday, tomorrow.
 虫の名前、Whatの疑問文と答え方    Creepy Crawlies
What’s that? What’s this? It’s a … cockroach, beetle,
caterpillar, butterfly, ant, worm, dragonfly, mosquito

 Prepositions: Where is the spider?
Under, on, behind, in front of, in, next to , near



 Prepositions: Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is …? He’s near, next to, in front of, behind,
under, on, in

 前置詞3、Whereの疑問文と答え方    Where is Baby Monkey?
Is he in the … kitchen, living room, bathroom,
bedroom, dining room, garage, attic, garden.

  Look at me!
Look at me, him, her, us, them etc.



What do you think of … ?
What do you think of …? I think it’s/he’s/she’s good,
great, cool, excellent.


 お見舞い      Get well soon!



May I borrow your …. stationery.
May I borrow your pencil, pen, ruler, pencil case?
crayons, books, scissors, stapler, glue, eraser,
calculator, brush, tape, pencil sharpener, paint



   Phonics “i” song
getting ready for phonics!
 方角(東西南北)    North, South, East, West

 Whose is it?
It’s mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs etc.



 Baby Dinosaur, what did you do?
I ate, went, drank, did, said, rode, put on, slept



 Yes, I can!